Our Work
Since our launch as Bike Friendly Charlottetown in 2019, we have established ourselves as a focal point for conversations about active transportation planning. We have partnered with all three capital-region municipalities and mobilized community members to bring the first steps toward our shared vision of an interconnected cycling network to life.

Community Engagement
Through our ongoing collaborations with local community groups and individuals, we work to understand their priorities, concerns and needs to identify opportunities for new and improved active transportation infrastructure. Our community engagement work includes:
Mobilizing our community members, decision-makers, and stakeholders to begin envisioning the next phases of the interconnected active transportation network at our Shifting Gears event in March 2020
Partnering with Velo Canada to observe cyclists and collect data to be used in first-ever national Pedal Poll
Collaborating with local students on ongoing data collection, counting cyclists at strategic locations to establish baseline information for future advocacy
Collaborating with other local groups and individuals to develop and promote new ideas for AT infrastructure in their communities
Using the information and data gathered as part of our community engagement process, we are able to provide input and recommendations to all levels of government on how to develop and achieve a comprehensive plan for a safe, accessible and connected active transportation network across the Island. Our advocacy work includes:
Successfully lobbying for the immediate construction of the much-needed AT corridor across the Hillsborough Bridge
Consulting with Charlottetown and Stratford governments to provide recommendations on the Hillsborough Bridge AT path designs
Consulting with Charlottetown, Stratford, and Cornwall governments to provide recommendations on AT network design
Successfully lobbying for the implementation of a Slow Streets pilot program in the City of Charlottetown, which is being expanded by the city.

We connect with PEI communities through outreach campaigns and events aimed at equipping individuals with the tools and knowledge required to become a confident cyclist in our communities. Our education work includes:
Collaborating with the City of Charlottetown for Bike Week 2021 outreach campaigns and events
Leading guided tours of commuter cycling routes around Charlottetown
Organizing public rides with local politicians
Developing educational materials such as videos and social media campaigns targeted at addressing local concerns and features of cycling safety and wayfinding.