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Cycling Without Age

Bike Friendly Communities partnered with Andrews of Stratford, and the PEI chapter of Parkinson's Canada to launch a pilot program, Cycling Without Age.

Using specialized electric pedal-assisted trishaws, each bicycle can carry up to two passengers on adventures. Our volunteers (called ‘pilots’) offer rides on the trishaw. For the passengers, being outdoors, reconnecting in the community, and out and about with the ‘pilots’ nurtures their emotional well-being.

Rides make passengers smile, bring back their memories, and allow them to be part of our communities in a way they never imagined.

It all starts with a bike ride!

Cycling Without Age has fresh air, exercise, and conversation, providing a way to give back to the communities we come from and promote positive cycling culture at the same time—all leading to healthier, happier, more connected Islanders.


Cycling Without Age is based on generosity and kindness. It starts with the obvious generous act of taking one or two elderly or less-abled people out on a bike ride. It’s a simple act that everyone can do.

Slowness allows you to sense the environment, be present in the moment and it allows people you meet along the way to be curious and gain knowledge about Cycling Without Age because you make time to stop and talk.

Older adults have so many stories that will be forgotten if we don’t reach out and listen to them. We tell stories, we listen to stories on the bike and we also document the stories when we share them via word of mouth or on social media.

Cycling Without Age is about creating a multitude of new relationships: between generations, among older adults, between pilots and passengers, care home employees and family members. Relationships build trust, happiness and quality of life.

Without Age:
Life unfolds at all ages, young and old, and can be thrilling, fun, sad, beautiful and meaningful. Cycling Without Age is about letting people age in a positive context – fully aware of the opportunities that lie ahead when interacting in their local community.


Guiding Principles

Cycling Without Age Around the World


Countries with active Cycling Without Age chapters


Chapter locations




Trained Cycle Pilots

Our Goal

Cycling for all!


We currently have one trishaw in place at Andrews of Stratford and will have a second trishaw in a Charlottetown location shortly.


As we expand, we're actively recruiting more volunteer pilots to operate the bicycles. We'd love to have a large enough team to allow every person who wants a bike ride to have one, whether that's on a weekend or during a weekday.

If you'd like to become a pilot or to learn more about Cycling Without Age, please get in touch!

With Thanks to:

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