2022 Municipal Elections
Municipal elections are taking place on November 7th, 2022 across Prince Edward Island, and BFC wrote to election candidates in the five largest municipalities with a brief questionnaire to allow them illustrate their stance on issues surrounding active transportation. Responses have been presented unedited and just as they were received. We hope community members will find this helpful in making an informed decision about their voting choices! The questions we asked were as follows:
Questionnaire for Municipal Candidates on Active Transportation
1- Currently, what is your primary mode of transportation? Do you regularly choose forms of active transportation when making purposeful trips for errands, work, or school? When was the last time you went for a bike ride around your community, and for what purpose?
2- If elected, how would you try to improve the active transportation infrastructure in and around your community? Are you willing to support integrating an active transportation lens on all construction and infrastructure refurbishments going forward?
3- Beyond improvements to infrastructure, what other measures would you advocate for to make active transportation more accessible for all community members?
4- Can you tell us about whether or not you will support increased funding for infrastructure for walking, biking, and transit?
Click the links below to view the responses from candidates from your municipality and ward!
Mayor • Charlottetown
Phillip Brown
1. Currently, what is your primary mode of transportation? Do you regularly choose forms of active transportation when making purposeful trips for errands, work, or school? When was the last time you went for a bike ride around your community, and for what purpose? To begin with, I am very pleased to respond to your questions on this very important matter. First of all, let me say that I fully share your vision of an interconnected cycling network in our region. That is why I have been working closely with the Towns of Cornwall and Stratford, the provincial government, volunteer organizations and concerned citizens to expand in a significant manner active transportation projects, and I am very pleased with the progress that has been achieved in four short years. As an active cyclist and as one who regularly walks, I recognize the many benefits of active transportation. As well, I am very aware of the need to ensure the safety of cyclists and walkers throughout our region. 2. If elected, how would you try to improve the active transportation infrastructure in and around your community? Are you willing to support integrating an active transportation lens on all construction and infrastructure refurbishments going forward? Now, more than ever before, we have an unprecedented opportunity to implement and improve active transportation construction and infrastructure measures. I fully support the integration of an active transportation lens on construction and infrastructure projects, including cycling lanes, sidewalks and crosswalks. I am pleased that the major roundabout project at Belvedere Avenue/St, Peters Road, for example, incorporates the needs and expectations of pedestrians and cyclists. 3. Beyond improvements to infrastructure, what other measures would you advocate for to make active transportation more accessible for all community members? One of my major concerns related to this issue is public safety. We need to ensure the safety and well-being of pedestrians and cyclists throughout our region. Increasing public awareness and understanding is critical to this end. At the same time, I support any measures that are aimed at promoting the human health and environmental benefits of active transportation. We are fortunate to live in a city which provides a great deal of accessibility to services and facilities, and we can make Charlottetown a leader in which citizens enjoy the enormous benefits from the use of alternative transportation modes. 4. Can you tell us about whether or not you will support increased funding for infrastructure for walking, biking, and transit? Since becoming mayor, I am proud of the progress that has been made with increased funding for infrastructure for walking, biking and public transit. We have made new investments in sidewalks and crosswalks, increased support for public transit, especially during the pandemic and there have been exciting new and expanded initiative in the cycling network. I have made a commitment to extend transit routes, increase funding for electric buses and expand cycling networks. I look forward to the opportunity to continue to work closely with everyone who shares the vision of creating a more active Charlottetown community.
Daniel Mullen
1. Currently, what is your primary mode of transportation? Do you regularly choose forms of active transportation when making purposeful trips for errands, work, or school? When was the last time you went for a bike ride around your community, and for what purpose? I walk. When I am at work, safety regulations require that we have certain materials on site, so I am required to have a vehicle with those supplies, so 95% of my vehicle use is tied to work. When I am not required to have the vehicle, I walk. I walk. I bought a recumbent bicycle and have no place to safely park it near places like City Hall, so I want to see more bike-positive spaces, as in the Netherlands. Since my concussion, I have only walked. While the newer ‘active transportation corridors’ are better than some of the old goat paths we have, it is not safe for me until some routes and crossing are improved. 2. If elected, how would you try to improve the active transportation infrastructure in and around your community? Are you willing to support integrating an active transportation lens on all construction and infrastructure refurbishments going forward? Absolutely! I would like to cooperate with the Community of Brackley and the provincial government to have a separate full-sized path all the way out the Brackley Point Road to the national park, as an example (the ‘path’ on the shoulder is really not safe considering vehicle speeds and spacing), tie Phase 3 (Brackley Point Road to Mount Edward Road) to the new intersection at Leon’s at the Malpeque Road, and coordinate with provincial government on the new work and roundabouts out to Winsloe by Melody Lane. We cannot let the provincial government work without better coordination. Inside Charlottetown, I want to work on the area from Euston Street to Allen Street to create a bike/pedestrian first zone around Prince Street School and reduce cross-traffic before University Avenue is revamped, and then ensure there is a segregated Active Transportation Corridor along University Avenue. Nothing gets built for vehicles if people and bikes (and other personal mobility, including wheelchairs and scooters) are not there *first*. 3. Beyond improvements to infrastructure, what other measures would you advocate for to make active transportation more accessible for all community members? Require storage on site for all new apartments and condos (prefer inside rather than unroofed racks) and adding ‘bike barns’ at both surface parking lots and Parkades. Current bylaws require retailers to have a set number of parking spaces in lots for vehicles, will require personal mobility parking at all such sites by end of 2024. Will budget to put lighting on all active transportation corridors by end of 2024 so that extended use feels safer. Will run bike safety (also scooter) programs in local schools each year, run a bike exchange program, offer free helmets to kids who pass a safe mobility course. 4. Can you tell us about whether or not you will support increased funding for infrastructure for walking, biking, and transit? Absolutely - to this point, last month I acquired a full-size Hybrid diesel bus (with ‘kneeling’ function) to make the point that we can clean up our emissions sooner, and for less money than giving a private company $625,000 to buy just five used diesel buses. Other things I want to do is add public washrooms along the Confederation Trail, improve level crossings, and increase safety for young children so that they can use more active transportation. I will definitely invest more in this direction.
Cecil Villard
No response received as of Oct 31, 2022.
Ward 1 • Charlottetown
Alanna Jankov
1. Currently, what is your primary mode of transportation? Do you regularly choose forms of active transportation when making purposeful trips for errands, work, or school? When was the last time you went for a bike ride around your community, and for what purpose? I live and work in downtown Charlottetown and my primary mode of transportation is walking. I own and use both a bike and an electric scooter. I was on my bike several weeks ago and use it for both recreation and exercise. 2. If elected, how would you try to improve the active transportation infrastructure in and around your community? Are you willing to support integrating an active transportation lens on all construction and infrastructure refurbishments going forward? We must do a lot more to make the city more bike and pedestrian friendly. It has to be a priority for a number of reasons including mental and physical health, environment, freeing up parking spaces, and generally making Charlottetown a better community. I support all infrastructure projects having an active transportation component before any approvals are given by City Council 3. Beyond improvements to infrastructure, what other measures would you advocate for to make active transportation more accessible for all community members? A couple of things: It must become a major issue with Council. If they are not up front with an active transportation plan, the engineers will design the roadways the same way they have done for the past seventy-five years; and we have to do more work in connecting our existing trail systems to each other and to the Confederation Trail. 4. Can you tell us about whether or not you will support increased funding for infrastructure for walking, biking, and transit? Yes, I support totally increased resources to this issue. We have seen some progress in the past few years e.g. the Hillsborough River Connection and the new trail systems in the East Royalty Area, more needs to be done.
Joanna Morrison
1- Currently, what is your primary mode of transportation? Do you regularly choose forms of active transportation when making purposeful trips for errands, work, or school? When was the last time you went for a bike ride around your community, and for what purpose? Currently I either use my car, or, when the weather is nice, I walk. The truth is that I would love for biking to be my main mode of transportation, but with the current state of bike lanes and traffic around the city, it scares me! I see how drivers react to bikers and see people constantly blocking bike lanes (if the road even has one), and it deters me from switching to a bike. I know many people feel the same way. When I was growing up in Alberton, I biked everywhere and loved it! It gave me the freedom to go places like the library without needing a drive from my parents, and motivated me to spend time outdoors. I would love for that to be the case again, but I fear for my safety. 2- If elected, how would you try to improve the active transportation infrastructure in and around your community? Are you willing to support integrating an active transportation lens on all construction and infrastructure refurbishments going forward? I believe all new construction & infrastructure in Charlottetown should not only include but prioritize active transportation. Looking at cities like Montreal, where bike use has increased by 20% in the last few years, there is so much more we could be doing to encourage people to use their cars less. Things like barriers between the road and the bike lanes, and an easy-to-use bike sharing system, would make a huge difference. We could do a lot to make the city more walkable as well. Victoria row works so well as a pedestrian-only street in the summer, surely we could build off of that! 3- Beyond improvements to infrastructure, what other measures would you advocate for to make active transportation more accessible for all community members? I believe there needs to be increased messaging and education on road safety, targeted at drivers. Whether someone uses a bike or not, if they are using the roads, they should be able to interpret biker hand signals and be actively checking the road around them for bikers. As a community, we should keep each other safe. We also saw that the bike rebate program rolled out earlier this year was very well received (despite some kinks), so clearly people want to use bikes. However, I think another solution could be providing some bike repair workshops so anyone could grab a used bike at a lower cost and have someone help them fix it up. Schools could have their own bike sharing setup that loans out bikes to students, which would make it easier financially on parents as children grow out of bike sizes quickly. 4- Can you tell us about whether or not you will support increased funding for infrastructure for walking, biking, and transit? Absolutely. With gas and car prices rising at an alarming rate, it's becoming unaffordable for citizens to drive around the city. People are already making the switch to walking, biking, and using e-scooters, while risking their safety to do so. We need to start making the streets safer now to prevent serious accidents from happening!
Wade Munn
No response received as of Oct 31, 2022.
Ward 2 • Charlottetown
Wendi James Poirier
1. Currently, what is your primary mode of transportation? Do you regularly choose forms of active transportation when making purposeful trips for errands, work, or school? When was the last time you went for a bike ride around your community, and for what purpose? I drive a mini cooper and walk where possible in my community. I have not driven a bike since my hearing loss has progressed (I get nervous in City streets). But I hope to get a new bike for the trails, of course we biked/walked with our children and foster children when they were younger. 2. If elected, how would you try to improve the active transportation infrastructure in and around your community? Are you willing to support integrating an active transportation lens on all construction and infrastructure refurbishments going forward? I am advocating for permanent speed bumps in residential 30-40km zones (slowing down means a more cautious approach to cyclists and pedestrians). I do know there has been work done on cycling pathways, but I also know there are limitations with our existing infrastructure, much like moving from one path to another with breaks in between, narrow side lanes, etc. For example, a resident cyclist contacted me about the transition to the Hillsboro Bridge from the Joe Ghiz Park area. This particular area needs to be addressed as part of the City’s (outdated) Eastern Gateway Plan. I think the City needs to address the appropriate setbacks and mitigation for design measures and barriers. And this is where you come in, I am limited in what resources and material I can get access to with the City, and not sure if your group was engaged in some of the recent work. I would love to see you make a presentation to the Council and/or Planning Committee on needs, barriers, etc that could/should be included in new subdivision and refurbs. As a councillor, I expect we would continue to engage the community on active transportation as both our needs and population grows, and we promote a model that shifts away from cars. I expect we will see new housing development with increased density and fewer parking spots. 3. Beyond improvements to infrastructure, what other measures would you advocate for to make active transportation more accessible for all community members? Ongoing, targeted marketing to educate and created awareness to 'share the road'. More bike racks, ride and share bikes (per Halifax). 4. Can you tell us about whether or not you will support increased funding for infrastructure for walking, biking, and transit? We need investments in active transportation, I've shared my support for updates to transit services and to accommodate increased ridership, hours of operation, frequency of service and more bus shelters (with the inclusion of safety measures for evening/night riders). I will assume the City of Charlottetown has accessed funding through the The Active Transportation Fund from Infrastructure Canada, if not I will propose we do. I noted that they have relaunched with an additional $400m and municipalities are eligible.
Terry MacLeod
1. Currently, what is your primary mode of transportation? Do you regularly choose forms of active transportation when making purposeful trips for errands, work, or school? When was the last time you went for a bike ride around your community, and for what purpose? Primary use of transportation is car and I bike 5-10 kg per week. I walk a lot with my dog daily and pick up some items at grocery and pharmacy etc. 2. If elected, how would you try to improve the active transportation infrastructure in and around your community? Are you willing to support integrating an active transportation lens on all construction and infrastructure refurbishments going forward? I have much experience at promoting active transportation and have been played a key role in supporting such projects for active transportation along the bypass and out to the airport and will continue this work with future phases. Multipurpose path on Greensview Drive in my ward and supporter of Andrew’s Pond trails. Key supporter in the bike lane/ multipurpose path around the present construction of the Belevedere Roundabout. I was able to support these projects as present and pass chairs of Environment and Sustainability, Public Works and Planning and Heritage. 3. Beyond improvements to infrastructure, what other measures would you advocate for to make active transportation more accessible for all community members? Playing an active role in the planning stages of projects just not for cyclist but for walkers(trails) and Accessibility network for Person’s with Disabilities. 4. Can you tell us about whether or not you will support increased funding for infrastructure for walking, biking, and transit? In the future I will certainly support Active Transportation for all, especially when it comes to upgrading our aging infrastructure. For example I was chair of Environment and Sustainability when we bought our first 18 electric buses to replace our old ones.
Eric McMurray
1. Currently, what is your primary mode of transportation? Do you regularly choose forms of active transportation when making purposeful trips for errands, work, or school? When was the last time you went for a bike ride around your community, and for what purpose? I primarily walk as my main method of transportation . I reside on Woodward Drive and my work is located on Kensington road. While I work from home, I do walk to the office occasionally for office days. I also get drives from friends or family the odd time, or a taxi depending on time constraints. I do take the bus occasionally, except it rarely is convenient to my needs. (Lack if night time bus) I haven’t ridden a bike in ages as I do enjoy walking. I would be interested in getting an e-bike. The laws and bylaws regarding those need updated too. I do have my drivers license for cars and motorcycles. Currently I would consider buying an e-bike or a Honda Grom which is a small motor motorcycle for the summer time. (100 miles per gallon) 2. If elected, how would you try to improve the active transportation infrastructure in and around your community? Are you willing to support integrating an active transportation lens on all construction and infrastructure refurbishments going forward? I do support active transportation being a factor of future development. It makes no sense to have it as an afterthought if that. Society is very car dependent and we need to reduce the car use on our planet where possible. 3. Beyond improvements to infrastructure, what other measures would you advocate for to make active transportation more accessible for all community members? During the winter, proper clearing of walkways is a big deterrent to many who would still walk or bike during these months. I would hope to improve on this if possible. Accessibility is still a struggle with those who have disabilities or other issues. Example, the bus signage for people with vision issues or a lack of sight. I lack the information at this time, but would be willing to ask these sorts of questions as maybe someone hasn’t taken the bus because of an issue of accessibility. 4. Can you tell us about whether or not you will support increased funding for infrastructure for walking, biking, and transit? I do support increase in funding towards projects that would help better life for residents of the city. How those funds are acquired, via taxes or cuts to other programs is another question. I would be willing to meet with other organizations and the other levels of government to help gain funds towards these goals. I do think Charlottetown is a great city to walk and bike in, but know the bike lanes end sporadically. There is also a lack of enforcement of Helmet wearing, and I would be thrilled to see a free bike safety course offered to all kids. I grew up in Stratford and recall this being done as a child, and really helps educate both children and Adults in cycling safety, laws, and the joys of biking.
Justin Muttart
1. Currently, what is your primary mode of transportation? Do you regularly choose forms of active transportation when making purposeful trips for errands, work, or school? When was the last time you went for a bike ride around your community, and for what purpose? My primary mode of transportation is by vehicle. However, I work from home, so I've significantly reduced my need to commute to and from work. I enjoy walking throughout my community and have been doing so far for many years. I have younger children who would like to take advantage of the various bike trails within our city, therefore prompting me to consider purchasing a new bicycle in the spring. 2. If elected, how would you try to improve the active transportation infrastructure in and around your community? Are you willing to support integrating an active transportation lens on all construction and infrastructure refurbishments going forward? As an elected member of the Council, I believe it's imperative to work with the community on an active transportation strategy for the city. Residents are looking for more efficient and cost-effective modes of transportation. The city needs to fully assess the current infrastructure to understand the landscape and potential challenges for improvements to existing infrastructure, such as trails, roads, and sidewalks. The city needs to take a progressive approach towards active transportation and build this into its long-term strategic plans and capital investments. I support integrating an active transportation lens into construction and infrastructure investments. 3. Beyond improvements to infrastructure, what other measures would you advocate for to make active transportation more accessible for all community members? Making active transportation more accessible requires adequate safety measures and precautions to be implemented across the city. In speaking with the residents of Ward 2, alternative transportation methods are desirable to many people; however, safety is their primary concern. Several of our streets across the city are experiencing an overflow of traffic, in some cases resulting in excessive speed and little room to share the road. From a safety perspective, we need to implement more signage, better lighting, and improved crossings/passageways throughout the city. I will advocate for better safety measures to be implemented across the city to improve the use of alternative transportation methods. 4. Can you tell us about whether or not you will support increased funding for infrastructure for walking, biking, and transit? With increased living costs, residents are looking towards more sustainable modes of transportation, such as busing, walking, biking, e-bikes, and e-scooters, to name a few. As a city, we must continue progressing on the work that has been done thus far; therefore, I'm supportive of further capital investments in our infrastructure.
Ward 3 • Charlottetown
Norman Beck
1. Currently, what is your primary mode of transportation? Do you regularly choose forms of active transportation when making purposeful trips for errands, work, or school? When was the last time you went for a bike ride around your community, and for what purpose? My primary mode of transportation is my car. I use my bike often, but mostly for recreational purposes and exercise. I often walk to do some of my small errands. The last time I used my bike was to participate in “The Jake 2022” - a running / walking / biking event in which participants do one of these activities in honour of Jacob Simmonds. The event supports the PEI Chapter of MADD. 2. If elected, how would you try to improve the active transportation infrastructure in and around your community? Are you willing to support integrating an active transportation lens on all construction and infrastructure refurbishments going forward? There has been a great body of work done by organizations like Bike Friendly Communities (BFC), and their advocacy has led to some important developments in the area of active transportation. We already have the Confederation Trail, the connector that goes along the Hillsborough Bridge and over the North River Causeway, along with the recent dedicated paths created alongside the arterial highway from Riverside Dr out to the airport, and some areas dedicated for biking in Charlottetown, for example around Victoria Park. The next step is trying to connect that work in a meaningful, effective, and integrated manner that will allow for greater active transportation within the city itself. I have already had discussions with BFC, and know that they are on the cusp of finalizing some ideas around this. If elected, I am very interested in building on this body of work on a go forward basis, and think that there is tremendous potential with it. I would be very much in support of including active transportation, and integrating it effectively, into future infrastructure projects. 3. Beyond improvements to infrastructure, what other measures would you advocate for to make active transportation more accessible for all community members? Safety precautions are an essential component of making active transportation more attractive, and incentivizing people to use it with greater regularity. I believe that things like lowering the speed limits to 30km per hour in areas where there is active transportation would be one way to provide greater comfort for those who choose active transportation. Better pedestrian crossings with improved signage and lighting, and allowing a longer time frame to cross streets for people with mobility issues, would certainly improve the walking experience for pedestrians. Ride sharing, along with more bike racks around town may be other means to make active transportation more accessible as well. 4. Can you tell us about whether or not you will support increased funding for infrastructure for walking, biking, and transit? One thing that we have learned in recent times, with not only the whole Covid experience but also with the increased focus emanating from recent weather events over the last few years, is that there is now a thirst for active transportation that I believe did not exist before. More people are now choosing bicycles, e-bikes, and things like motorized skateboards and scooters in order to get around town efficiently, and at the same time reducing carbon emissions. Bus numbers are increasing, and there is a strong demand to build on the great work that has already been done to date. We need to celebrate the steps that have been taken to date, and continue to build on that moving forward.
Bard Macleod
1. Currently, what is your primary mode of transportation? Do you regularly choose forms of active transportation when making purposeful trips for errands, work, or school? When was the last time you went for a bike ride around your community, and for what purpose? I do not currently own a bike. I walk or take my car. My reason for this is safety. I am not comfortable biking in Charlottetown or PEI as we do not currently have safe bike pathways. 2. If elected, how would you try to improve the active transportation infrastructure in and around your community? Are you willing to support integrating an active transportation lens on all construction and infrastructure refurbishments going forward? I am very interested in modernizing our active transportation network. I will support all active transportation initiatives that demonstrate good planning. I also believe this type of change to a city happens one street at a time therefore should be a part of an overall long term initiative. 3. Beyond improvements to infrastructure, what other measures would you advocate for to make active transportation more accessible for all community members? I am open to all ideas. 4. Can you tell us about whether or not you will support increased funding for infrastructure for walking, biking, and transit? Yes, these infrastructure changes will cost money. I will support extra expenditures if they are supported by a well developed plan. If there is currently not a good long term plan available I would support the development of this plan.
Ward 4 • Charlottetown
Barbara Dylla
1. Currently, what is your primary mode of transportation? Walking. Do you regularly choose forms of active transportation when making purposeful trips for errands, work, or school? Yes, I walk or cycle. When was the last time you went for a bike ride around your community, and for what purpose? Before Fiona, and it was a way to lengthen my ride before getting to my intended destination. 2. If elected, how would you try to improve the active transportation infrastructure in and around your community? I would want to spearhead resident-led street redesign projects to enable bus-only lanes on certain roads and wider sidewalks (where possible) twinned with protected bicycle lanes on several others. I would also like to work towards a comprehensive Active Streets and Multi-Modal Connectivity Plan by mid-to-late 2023.. Are you willing to support integrating an active transportation lens on all future construction and infrastructure refurbishments? Absolutely! Not only, but also any work done in the public and private spheres. 3. Beyond improvements to infrastructure, what other measures would you advocate to make active transportation more accessible for all community members? (1) Public transportation that is fully accessible encourages active Transportation. (2) Working with local schools middle and high schools to obtain funding for bicycle repair and refurbishment workshops enabling students to develop a variety of skills and which could potentially evolve into a bike loan scheme to promote active Travel. (3) Creating a Safe Routes to School program. 4. Can you tell us about whether or not you will support increased funding for infrastructure for walking, biking, and transit? I do. And one key way to achieve that is to redesign the city to deprioritize cars and to use the freed-up funds to (a) make space for safe cycling and walking for residents of all ages and abilities and (b) implement complementary policies that promote public transportation.
Mitchell Tweel
No response received as of Oct 31, 2022.
Ward 5 • Charlottetown
Tony Carroll
1. Currently, what is your primary mode of transportation? Walking. Do you regularly choose forms of active transportation when making purposeful trips for errands, work, or school? Yes, I walk or cycle. My primary mode of transportation is by foot or by transit as I live downtown. So if by foot is considered an active form of participation, then that is what I use mostly. So to answer your next question, I need to tell you I got into an automobile accident (was not my fault) where I obtained a traumatic brain injury and as a result I have dizzy spells. As a result, I cannot keep balance when driving a bicycle. Before this, I was an active bicycle rider. My step father is an active bicycle rider and I am aware of the challenges bicycle riders face. So I have not driven a bicycle since the accident. When I did, I drove it regularly as a mode of transportation and exercise (I ride the bike in the gym). 2. If elected, how would you try to improve the active transportation infrastructure in and around your community? Are you willing to support integrating an active transportation lens on all construction and infrastructure refurbishments going forward? If elected, I would try to improve the transportation infrastructure in around my community by: • Having more bicycle lanes which are wide enough and safe enough to encourage cycling. • In European communities, they have designated certain areas as traffic zones and other areas as walking and cycling zones. Much of what we see at Victoria Park, where one lane is for walking and cyclists and there's another lane for walkers and cyclists. I do not see why this cannot be implemented over time in our City. Such cities have restricted car access on certain major streets and expanded sidewalks previously reserved for cars. See below as an example. To answer your question, yes, I am willing to put an active transportation lens on any future projects. 3. Beyond improvements to infrastructure, what other measures would you advocate to make active transportation more accessible for all community members? One idea I noticed in Montreal and European cities, they set up a bicycling rental system whereby citizens could rent a bicycle and ride it to varying bicycle stations throughout the city, and leave the rented bicycle in a station located throughout the city. I do not see why this cannot be done throughout Charlottetown. 1) It is low cost. 2) Helps the environment. 3) It promotes health. 4) It is good for the City. Another idea that is used in other cycling-friendly cities are creating specific cycling routes specifically for cycling so cyclists would be 1) Safe and 2) Able to travel within the City. We have a ways to go, however, commitment to the plan can get there in the right direction. 4. Can you tell us about whether or not you will support increased funding for infrastructure for walking, biking, and transit? I am 100% supportive increased funding for infrastructure of walking, biking and transit. I should say, I do not believe in a top-down approach in governance. I believe in a collaborative approach which, I believe, works best. This means, I am not an expert in all things (in most things really) but I believe if I take the advice of those who know better, we can build a strong community. This means, should your organisation have ideas that are better than mine, by all means, bring them to me and we can explore them.
Daniel Cousins
1. Currently, what is your primary mode of transportation? Do you regularly choose forms of active transportation when making purposeful trips for errands, work, or school? When was the last time you went for a bike ride around your community, and for what purpose? My three main modes of transportation are. My main ride an ebike, my human powered bike, and my own two feet. I always choose active transportation for everything. Part of my campaign was to bike my ward and walk it to see the issues it has. However there is always a bike ride in the day for the pure joy of riding. 2. If elected, how would you try to improve the active transportation infrastructure in and around your community? Are you willing to support integrating an active transportation lens on all construction and infrastructure refurbishments going forward? Any new project must consider all forms of transportation not just cars. Sidewalks bike lanes and active transportation all must be part of our plans moving forward for roads and buildings part of improving our infrastructure in making sure that all aspects are looked at and supported. 3. Beyond improvements to infrastructure, what other measures would you advocate for to make active transportation more accessible for all community members? More bike parking for all bike types, better education programs for new riders and for motorists. 4. Can you tell us about whether or not you will support increased funding for infrastructure for walking, biking, and transit? I fully support making our city more safe for all forms of active transportation. The investment today will ensure a better city in our future.
Pauline Macintyre
No response received as of Oct 31, 2022.
Kevin Ramsay
No response received as of Oct 31, 2022.
Ward 6 • Charlottetown
Bob Doiron
No response received as of Oct 31, 2022.
Ryan Ramsay
1. Currently, what is your primary mode of transportation? Do you regularly choose forms of active transportation when making purposeful trips for errands, work, or school? When was the last time you went for a bike ride around your community, and for what purpose? Currently my primary mode of transportation is a car, I do not currently own a bike. 2. If elected, how would you try to improve the active transportation infrastructure in and around your community? Are you willing to support integrating an active transportation lens on all construction and infrastructure refurbishments going forward? I fully support more infrastructure to support active transportation in our city. We need to become proactive when it comes to active transportation and build the infrastructure to support our needs. If integrating an active transportation lane for walkers, bikers, etc. is safe to do so, then it needs to be implemented. 3. Beyond improvements to infrastructure, what other measures would you advocate for to make active transportation more accessible for all community members? I would love to hear the idea from communities like "Bike Friendly Communities PEI" to hear their thoughts on measures other than improvements to infrastructure to make active transportation more accessible for all community members. As a city councillor it is best to get the information/ideas from the subject matter experts and then make informed decisions and recommendations. 4. Can you tell us about whether or not you will support increased funding for infrastructure for walking, biking, and transit? I support increased funding for infrastructure for walking, biking and transit. I think it's wonderful that more citizens are using active transportation and we need to do a better job as a municipal government supporting this initiative.
Ward 7 • Charlottetown
Linda Clark
1. Currently, what is your primary mode of transportation? Do you regularly choose forms of active transportation when making purposeful trips for errands, work, or school? When was the last time you went for a bike ride around your community, and for what purpose? No, I used to bike, but with my disability it has limited me on the activities that I am allow and able to do. 2. If elected, how would you try to improve the active transportation infrastructure in and around your community? Are you willing to support integrating an active transportation lens on all construction and infrastructure refurbishments going forward? Yes, I believe this is very important not only for my community, but for the City of Charlottetown. 3. Beyond improvements to infrastructure, what other measures would you advocate for to make active transportation more accessible for all community members? Yes, I believe this is very important and I will work with the City and advocate to have more accessible lanes. 4. Can you tell us about whether or not you will support increased funding for infrastructure for walking, biking, and transit? Yes, I will support more funding as this is an important issue that has been the topic of my community.
Paul Gaudet
No response received as of Oct 31, 2022.
John Wilfred Mcaleer
No response received as of Oct 31, 2022.
Ward 8 • Charlottetown
Corey Driscoll
No response received as of Oct 31, 2022.
Trevor MacKinnon
No response received as of Oct 31, 2022.
Charlene Wight
1. Currently, what is your primary mode of transportation? Do you regularly choose forms of active transportation when making purposeful trips for errands, work, or school? When was the last time you went for a bike ride around your community, and for what purpose? My primary mode of transportation is driving. When heading to work or doing errands, I mostly drive, but for some errands and heading to school, I lean heavily toward a combination of walking and public transit. My last bike ride around my community was a leisure ride this summer. 2. If elected, how would you try to improve the active transportation infrastructure in and around your community? Are you willing to support integrating an active transportation lens on all construction and infrastructure refurbishments going forward? I would like to see improvements to bike lanes, more sidewalks, and better public transportation routes. I am in full support of all construction and infrastructure developments and refurbishments having an active transportation lens applied before going forward. I want to see better options to ensure all active transportation users have access to safe routes for all their transportation needs. 3. Beyond improvements to infrastructure, what other measures would you advocate for to make active transportation more accessible for all community members? I’d like to see Charlottetown support more promotion of active transportation with fun/educational/free events or workshops. 4. Can you tell us about whether or not you will support increased funding for infrastructure for walking, biking, and transit? I do and will always support increased funding for active transportation for infrastructure. It’s vital to ensure safe and accessible avenues for all active transportation users.
Ward 9 • Charlottetown
Gordon Gay
1. Currently, what is your primary mode of transportation? Do you regularly choose forms of active transportation when making purposeful trips for errands, work, or school? When was the last time you went for a bike ride around your community, and for what purpose? My current mode of transportation is by car or walking depending on the distance. It has been awhile since I have rode but the last time was with my Grandson so I rode for the pleasure of it. My daughter currently has my bike but I am very interested in the new electric bikes that would assist my riding ability. 2. If elected, how would you try to improve the active transportation infrastructure in and around your community? Are you willing to support integrating an active transportation lens on all construction and infrastructure refurbishments going forward? Our area is developing very rapidly. We require bike lanes, walkways and another attempt at improving public transportation. As we know, it is not easy to find parking downtown and it is not overly affordable either. The City needs to work closely with developers to make sure this infrastructure is in place. 3. Beyond improvements to infrastructure, what other measures would you advocate for to make active transportation more accessible for all community members? I would advocate for a municipal rebate towards the purchase of bike which would be a compliment to Provincial rebates. The City wants to create a healthier lifestyle so they need to play a role in accomplishing this goal. 4. Can you tell us about whether or not you will support increased funding for infrastructure for walking, biking, and transit? I would definitely advocate for increased funding in all areas that would help people be able to choose alternative transportation modes. This becomes a win win for everyone.
Julie McCabe
1. Currently, what is your primary mode of transportation? Do you regularly choose forms of active transportation when making purposeful trips for errands, work, or school? When was the last time you went for a bike ride around your community, and for what purpose? My current mode of transportation is a car. I live in an area where we need to increase active transportation and connectivity paths in order for me to feel safe to utilize this form of transportation. It has been too long since I used a bike to get around. I need to become more comfortable with riding a bike. 2. If elected, how would you try to improve the active transportation infrastructure in and around your community? Are you willing to support integrating an active transportation lens on all construction and infrastructure refurbishments going forward? My community is still developing fast. I would like to see active transportation infrastructure included in subdivision proposals that come into planning. I would like to see this part of every new development in the city. I am in full support of integrating an AT lens in every possible situation - I would like to see a connected city across the board eventually. 3. Beyond improvements to infrastructure, what other measures would you advocate for to make active transportation more accessible for all community members? One issue I feel is a barrier for people wanting to use AT as a mode of transportation, is the speed of vehicle traffic and inattention of drivers to this form of transportation. I would like to look at how we can reduce traffic speed and volumes along our existing streets so that people who walk or bike are not vulnerable to car traffic. We could look at more proactive measures on traffic calming systems, and road space allocation. I don’t think we have to reinvent the wheel here either as there are many cities across the country who are very established in Active transportation. The city has been a supporter of cycling in Charlottetown. We need to educate residence more and engage in programs with local businesses to promote this type of transportation. We have started the Bike Rack Cost Sharing initiative but we need to make bike parking a priority. 4. Can you tell us about whether or not you will support increased funding for infrastructure for walking, biking, and transit? We know that being active is good for our physical health, our mental health and our emotional health. We know that we need to invest in a sustainable city. It is important for all ages and stages of life. I will always support increased funding and commitment for infrastructure for walking, biking, and transit when I know that the long term benefits for people and our environment are proven to be positive.
Ward 10 • Charlottetown
Terry Bernard
I believe my actions speak louder than words. I would like to point out my history for active transportation projects. 1)First multipurpose pathway constructed in Charlottetown. I had secured funding back in 2003 to install multipurpose pathway on Acadian drive from Riverview Estates to Murchison lane to Riverside Dr. 2) Got permission from Provincial government (although deputy minister and chief engineer were against it) to continue paved pathway on Riverside Dr to Park street. 3)Got Province onside to pay 50% cost sharing of multipurpose pathway from Murchison lane to St. Peter’s Rd, then, down Norwood Rd to the top of berm along Bypass highway to Brackley Pt Rd. Last phase will be Brackley Pt Rd to Mt. Edward Rd to join the confederation trail. Plan was put together by my good neighbour John Andrew. I also worked with John Andrew to have trail installed around City pond known as Andrews pond North. Hope that answers your questions. Thank you.
Mayor • Stratford
Gail MacDonald
1. Currently, what is your primary mode of transportation? Do you regularly choose forms of active transportation when making purposeful trips for errands, work, or school? When was the last time you went for a bike ride around your community, and for what purpose? My primary mode of transportation is vehicle. I do like to walk in my community. 2. If elected, how would you try to improvethe active transportation infrastructure in and around your community? Are you willing to support integrating an active transportation lens on all construction and infrastructure refurbishments going forward? I would like to see the trails connected better. Also, we do clear many of them now in the winter and I'd like to see that expanded. Yes for the AT lens on projects. 3. Beyond improvements to infrastructure, what other measures would you advocate for to make active transportation more accessible for all community members? I would strike a committee to see what improvements are needed and work from there. I love to see the wider active transportation trails so there is room for everyone to enjoy and pass safely. 4. Can you tell us about whether or not you will support increased funding for infrastructure for walking, biking, and transit? Definitely. This is what the residents are asking for and I pledge to listen to the residents.
Steve Ogden
1. Currently, what is your primary mode of transportation? Do you regularly choose forms of active transportation when making purposeful trips for errands, work, or school? When was the last time you went for a bike ride around your community, and for what purpose? My current primary mode of transportation is a hybrid vehicle. I often walk or bike in my capacity as Mayor. The last time I rode a bike was on Sunday for recreation. I am walking over 10,000 steps every day going door to door on my election campaign 2. If elected, how would you try to improve the active transportation infrastructure in and around your community? Are you willing to support integrating an active transportation lens on all construction and infrastructure refurbishments going forward? I am committed to adding as much active transportation infrastructure as possible each budget year based on a study of areas of greatest need, i.e., dangerous for pedestrians and cyclists. I support looking at active transportation (AT) opportunities on all construction and infrastructure projects. 3. Beyond improvements to infrastructure, what other measures would you advocate for to make active transportation more accessible for all community members? Some improvements I would like to put in place are more bike racks; more trail maintenance, raising the profile of the importance of active transportation through awareness campaigns, and consulting with residents and AT organizations about measures they would like to see 4. Can you tell us about whether or not you will support increased funding for infrastructure for walking, biking, and transit? Yes
Ward 1 • Stratford
Gordie Cox
1. Currently, what is your primary mode of transportation? Do you regularly choose forms of active transportation when making purposeful trips for errands, work, or school? When was the last time you went for a bike ride around your community, and for what purpose? I drive a 4 cylinder car as my primary source. I also love biking. I often use the rails to trails. For years, I use to bike up to 40 kilometres at a time before I had three knee surgery on my left leg. I started my campaign on my bike yesterday! 2. If elected, how would you try to improve the active transportation infrastructure in and around your community? Are you willing to support integrating an active transportation lens on all construction and infrastructure refurbishments going forward? I strongly believe we need to heighten our green footprint in this community. We need to continue to support Rails to Trails as well as programs that support buying bikes and widening roads for more bike lanes. 3. Beyond improvements to infrastructure, what other measures would you advocate for to make active transportation more accessible for all community members? The town could sponsor and promote biking rallies and family biking days. also promote the use of the existing trails in Stratford. Also, add more trails for future use. 4. Can you tell us about whether or not you will support increased funding for infrastructure for walking, biking, and transit? I do support increased funding. Although this year, extra money may get spent fixing up the existing trails after Hurricane Fiona.
Ron Dowling
1. Currently, what is your primary mode of transportation? Do you regularly choose forms of active transportation when making purposeful trips for errands, work, or school? When was the last time you went for a bike ride around your community, and for what purpose? I currently drive a gas fuel automobile as my primary mode of transportation (I am currently on a list for purchase of a plug-in-electric-hybrid vehicle, which will be powered primarily by my recently installed solar panels). Although my residential location is not conducive to active transportation for errands, I use the trails in Stratford on a daily basis while walking my very active Husky Jasper (I am currently exploring bike joring). While I occasionally ride my bike around my neighbourhood, my spare time and energy is focused more on walking with Jasper. 2. If elected, how would you try to improve the active transportation infrastructure in and around your community? Are you willing to support integrating an active transportation lens on all construction and infrastructure refurbishments going forward? We are fortunate to have had a focus on active transportation and development of infrastructure in Stratford and surrounding communities in recent years. I fully support continued development of active transportation infrastructure and do believe that all future development and refurbishments should be done with consideration of how we can integrate and increase options for active transportation. The more availability of options, the greater the usage and overall community benefit. 3. Beyond improvements to infrastructure, what other measures would you advocate for to make active transportation more accessible for all community members? I believe that staff and management of communities big or small have a significant role to play in the activity levels of their respective residents and thus the overall health of the citizenry. Other than increasing infrastructure, I would advocate partnering with community based organizations to promote their initiatives and to help create and support additional events to further engage residents. 4. Can you tell us about whether or not you will support increased funding for infrastructure for walking, biking, and transit? Yes, indeed I would support increased funding and would work collaboratively with all levels of government to best position Stratford for further development of active transportation initiatives.
Derek Smith
No response received as of Oct 31, 2022.
Ward 2 • Stratford
Ryan Bradley
1. Currently, what is your primary mode of transportation? Do you regularly choose forms of active transportation when making purposeful trips for errands, work, or school? When was the last time you went for a bike ride around your community, and for what purpose? Currently my primary mode of transportation is a car. I have used the new AT lane on the Hillsborough bridge to bike to work on several occasions this summer. I car pool with my wife, so I also have used my bike to either go to work early or leave later if our schedules don't match up. We do use our bikes to ride around the community and into Charlottetown in the evenings and weekends. 2. If elected, how would you try to improve the active transportation infrastructure in and around your community? Are you willing to support integrating an active transportation lens on all construction and infrastructure refurbishments going forward? I served on the AT committee with the Town of Stratford several years ago. We made recommendations to the council on many projects that are currently in place. I would continue to work on expanding the network of AT trails in the town. 3. Beyond improvements to infrastructure, what other measures would you advocate for to make active transportation more accessible for all community members? Raising awareness of the current AT network is important to increase usage. 4. Can you tell us about whether or not you will support increased funding for infrastructure for walking, biking, and transit? I would support an increase to funding as long as it fits within a fiscally responsible budget that doesn't increase the tax load on Stratford residents.
Jillian Chandler
1. Currently, what is your primary mode of transportation? Do you regularly choose forms of active transportation when making purposeful trips for errands, work, or school? When was the last time you went for a bike ride around your community, and for what purpose? Currently, my car is my primary mode of transportation. As a single mother to three children, who attend schools, recreational and social activities outside of our municipality- it is the mode we rely on the most. I have used my bike this past summer, for recreational purposes in my own neighbourhood. 2. If elected, how would you try to improve the active transportation infrastructure in and around your community? Are you willing to support integrating an active transportation lens on all construction and infrastructure refurbishments going forward? I think that integrating an active transportation lens is crucial in all construction and infrastructure refurbishments going forward. Globally, the pandemic has affected people's lives, and impacted transportation trends. With recent events like Hurricane Fiona, more people are thinking about climate change, and looking for ways to reduce their carbon footprint. The growing popularity of e-bikes, and other forms of micro-mobility show us that we need to design communities that are considerate of multi-modal transportation- designed for people, not just cars. 3. Beyond improvements to infrastructure, what other measures would you advocate for to make active transportation more accessible for all community members? In my previous job, working with Lyft, a rideshare platform based in the U.S., I witnessed the growth of bike sharing programs in cities and towns across North America. I know that access to reliable transportation plays a major role in the quality of people's lives and that a lack of access to reliable transportation leads to disparities in accessing healthcare, education, and more. We need to work together to ensure that Stratford is safe for cyclists and that biking is accessible for all- though community programming, adaptive bike programs and more. 4. Can you tell us about whether or not you will support increased funding for infrastructure for walking, biking, and transit? Personally, I support increased funding for infrastructure for walking, biking, and transit. As Stratford continues to grow in population and development we need to recognize the increasing role that active transportation plays in our communities.
Jeff MacDonald
1. Currently, what is your primary mode of transportation? Do you regularly choose forms of active transportation when making purposeful trips for errands, work, or school? When was the last time you went for a bike ride around your community, and for what purpose? My primary mode of transportation is my car. I work in Charlottetown and my youngest daughter goes to daycare in Charlottetown so I need my car to take her in with me in the mornings. I rarely take my bicycle to run errands but do go for the occasional errand using my bicycle. I often run errands during the work week on foot once I’ve driven into Charlottetown. My family are very active cyclists for leisure and for exercise (please see the attached photos!). My last bicycle ride would have been two weeks ago. 2. If elected, how would you try to improve the active transportation infrastructure in and around your community? Are you willing to support integrating an active transportation lens on all construction and infrastructure refurbishments going forward? If elected, I would prioritize improving active transportation infrastructure. Currently, Stratford has many small community parks which are difficult to get to. Sidewalks are getting better in Stratford but are still rare. I would immediately look at studying what are the most pressing areas to install sidewalks and look to partner with other levels of government to access funding for active transportation options. 3. Beyond improvements to infrastructure, what other measures would you advocate for to make active transportation more accessible for all community members? This past year, the provincial government implemented a bicycle rebate. I think this is a good option to look at pursuing in the form of town grants. 4. Can you tell us about whether or not you will support increased funding for infrastructure for walking, biking, and transit? Yes. Our community is growing. More and more children are cycling and walking to school. This is an incredibly positive thing to see. The Town needs to ensure we are providing a safe method for people to use active transportation options in the community.
Ward 3 • Stratford
Gary Clow
No response received as of Oct 31, 2022.
Steve Gallant
1. Currently, what is your primary mode of transportation? Do you regularly choose forms of active transportation when making purposeful trips for errands, work, or school? When was the last time you went for a bike ride around your community, and for what purpose? My primary mode of transportation is a vehicle. I exercise quite frequently during the week by walking and running. Actually, I purchased a bike last month in hopes of pursing it as means of recreation. Unfortunately, my work takes me quite far from my community and biking is not feasible. 2. If elected, how would you try to improve the active transportation infrastructure in and around your community? Are you willing to support integrating an active transportation lens on all construction and infrastructure refurbishments going forward? As current chair of recreation for the Town of Stratford. We are currently implementing many changes in the town for the active cyclists. We supported the active transportation route across the Hillsborough Bridge. This route will connect to Keppoch Rd. Safety is the number one priority here. We are looking at creating policies to encourage new schools to be sited in locations that allow children to bike/walk to school. Also creating one meter bike lanes connecting all roadways and trails in Stratford. 3. Beyond improvements to infrastructure, what other measures would you advocate for to make active transportation more accessible for all community members? I am looking at requesting developers to construct bike storage rooms in duplexes, multi units and apartments. This would increase the ridership and encourage physical activity. 4. Can you tell us about whether or not you will support increased funding for infrastructure for walking, biking, and transit? I would increase funding for infrastructure biking, walking and transit. I supported council when it was decided to contribute financial support in the development of the structure for the new Keppoch Rd. As you can see, this road has extremely wide shoulders for the safety of bikers and hikers.
Jody Jackson
1. Currently, what is your primary mode of transportation? Do you regularly choose forms of active transportation when making purposeful trips for errands, work, or school? When was the last time you went for a bike ride around your community, and for what purpose? My primary mode of transportation is my 2021 Nissan Leaf zero emission vehicle. I don’t presently own a bicycle and it has probably been at least 5 years since I took a purposeful ride within my municipality. The last ride was for exercise and to take advantage of the trail system close to my home. The reason I did not keep the bicycle was the speed of traffic on my road. Since that time, a paved shoulder has been added to Mount Herbert Road and the trail has been extended from Fullerton’s Creek much closer to my home. I plan on purchasing a new bicycle next spring 2. If elected, how would you try to improve the active transportation infrastructure in and around your community? Are you willing to support integrating an active transportation lens on all construction and infrastructure refurbishments going forward? I would immediately work with the provincial government to extend the paved shoulder on Bunbury Road from Duffy Road out to the roundabout in Mount Herbert. Bunbury Road is extremely dangerous with narrow pavement and a couple of blind hills. In the rest of the community, I would work to add paved active transportation lanes to help get pedestrians and cyclists off the same hard surface as the automobile traffic. I would definitely support adding an active transportation lens to all future projects. 3. Beyond improvements to infrastructure, what other measures would you advocate for to make active transportation more accessible for all community members? I would look to expand the current transit routes to offer dedicated service to Ward 3 and other underserviced areas of Stratford. We have several subdivisions and main roads that would benefit from expanded transit for their daily commute to work. I would also support the e-bike sharing program that has recently been proposed for Charlottetown and Stratford. 4. Can you tell us about whether or not you will support increased funding for infrastructure for walking, biking, and transit? I would be in support of increased funding if it were able to be leveraged to take full advantage of federal or provincial active transportation funding programs. This added funding would be an investment in the future of our town and would pay dividends for our residents.
Mayor • Cornwall
Minerva McCourt
1. Currently, what is your primary mode of transportation? Do you regularly choose forms of active transportation when making purposeful trips for errands, work, or school? When was the last time you went for a bike ride around your community, and for what purpose? Car is my main transportation mode however I’m a walker as well -enjoy the scenery and outdoors . 2. If elected, how would you try to improve the active transportation infrastructure in and around your community? Are you willing to support integrating an active transportation lens on all construction and infrastructure refurbishments going forward? Our community promotes active transportation with the addition of new trails --one such new trail that will be finalized in 2023 that will connect walkers , bikers to Ch’town and Stratford . Presently all of our developments look at all possibilities of active transportation such as the inclusion of trails , parks or parkland ,walking paths and sidewalks in the development of subdivisions. In the past we have had programs that promoted the use of our trails by engaging our residents to go walking on specific trails, thus greater exposure to our trails and knowledge of their existence hoping to promote physical activity . 3. Beyond improvements to infrastructure, what other measures would you advocate for to make active transportation more accessible for all community members? Increased routes and times to meet the needs for ridership on the T3bus system –additional programs to engage our residents in the usage of our trails , the implementation of a volunteer base whereby people can meet and walk throughout our town and trails to become more knowledgeable of what is available in our town .All such activity promotes not only good physical health but adds to the betterment of our physical and mental well being . 4.Can you tell us about whether or not you will support increased funding for infrastructure for walking, biking, and transit? I will certainly advocate for increased funding for biking, walking ,and transit as this is one of comments heard at the doors of our residents during this campaign .
Open Ward • Cornwall
Elaine Barnes
1- Currently, what is your primary mode of transportation? Do you regularly choose forms of active transportation when making purposeful trips for errands, work, or school? When was the last time you went for a bike ride around your community, and for what purpose? I mainly use my vehicle but I work from home quite a bit so my vehicle doesn't move alot. I do enjoy walking the trails but it's been reduced the past few years after a recurring achilles injury. It's only been the last few months that it's been resolved where I am not going to physio so I am trying to ease back into it without causing a re-injury.
Steven Campbell
Thank you for reaching out to me to discuss active transportation. Although I don't regularly use my bicycle, our family does go for leisurely walks with our dog, and on occasion, our neighbours join us. I am a supporter of active transportation, although I am not currently able to use the public transportation system to and from work because my job requires that I have a vehicle accessible. As part of my work I have taught several of my clients to use the public transportation system in the greater Charlottetown/Cornwall area. If elected, I will work with T3Transit to expand more routes per day and more access for those residents that do not live close to current bus routes. As part of my election platform, I want to make the Town of Cornwall safer. Part of this is to fund more sidewalks and active transportation trails. I think it is great that there is an active transportation trail from Charlottetown to the heart of Cornwall, but I would also like to see active transportation lanes/sidewalks extended on Meadowbank Road and added to Ferry Road, Cornwall Road and York Point Road so people can SAFELY walk/bike throughout the town. There are also several subdivisions in Cornwall that are in dire need of a sidewalk.active transportation lane and I fully support that and will work towards the goal of adding many more within the town. In closing, I would fully support increasing public transportation through T3 Transit and would support and work towards adding many more sidewalks/activity lanes within Cornwall.
Corey Frizzell
1. Currently, what is your primary mode of transportation? Vehicle Do you regularly choose forms of active transportation when making purposeful trips for errands, work, or school? No When was the last time you went for a bike ride around your community, and for what purpose? Summer/Fall 2. If elected, how would you try to improve the active transportation infrastructure in and around your community? During my first term on Council, I was a strong supporter of the Regional Active Transportation Plan that saw Charlottetown, Cornwall and Stratford develop a lont-term comprehensive plan for active transportation (see attached). My son and I actually toured Cornwall with the consultants on bikes during their assessment phase of our municipality. From this plan, previous, current and future Cornwall councils will have a plan in place for the development of active transportation paths in our municipality. If I'm fortunate enough to be relected, I will continue to advocate and budget for the further development of active transportation paths and trails within our municipality. Are you willing to support integrating an active transportation lens on all construction and infrastructure refurbishments going forward? I have been advocating for this for over ten years during my previous and current terms on council and I will continue to do so. For example, I would advocate that all new commericial developments install bike racks in their parking lots. 3. Beyond improvements to infrastructure, what other measures would you advocate for to make active transportation more accessible for all community members? During my current term on council, I encouraged and collaborated with our council in making changes to our official plan and developmental by-law that legislated that all new PURD developments must also have active transportation paths built in the sub-division at the expense of the developer. Further legisltation/by-laws within the spirit of the above are one way I would encourage future support for activie transportation along with encouraging residents to utilize the pathways we already have in Cornwall. 4. Can you tell us about whether or not you will support increased funding for infrastructure for walking, biking, and transit? Yes, it is a main pillar of my re-election platform and I'm a proud support of increasing funding for active transportation.
Glen 'Barney' Fullerton
No response received as of Oct 31, 2022.
Judy Herlihy
No response received as of Oct 31, 2022.
Jill Macisaac
No response received as of Oct 31, 2022.
Cory Stevenson
1. Currently, what is your primary mode of transportation? Do you regularly choose forms of active transportation when making purposeful trips for errands, work, or school? When was the last time you went for a bike ride around your community, and for what purpose? My main mode of transportation is by vehicle. I try to shop local as much as I can so when around the Town of Cornwall I try to use our sidewalks and active transportation trails to walk or bike to local locations. To reduce our carbon footprint in our household, my wife and I try to carpool as much as possible. 2. If elected, how would you try to improve the active transportation infrastructure in and around your community? Are you willing to support integrating an active transportation lens on all construction and infrastructure refurbishments going forward? If re-elected, I certainly plan to continually push for active transportation trails around the town. Unlike sidewalks, ATT are more inclusive in their use. We have a developing trail system around the Town and I look forward to expanding this - particularly on the Ferry Road and continually link our community together. As the community continually links together, and the infrastructure is in place, more people will be inticed to be physically active to walk and bike to their local destinations which is important for resident health and for reducing our carbon footprint as a Town. 3. Beyond improvements to infrastructure, what other measures would you advocate for to make active transportation more accessible for all community members? Absolutely! As noted above. Looks like a blended #2 and #3 together! 4. Can you tell us about whether or not you will support increased funding for infrastructure for walking, biking, and transit? Yes! It appears my #2 answer reflects on all questions here - I am a big supporter of alternate modes of transportations that are better for our health and environment. In a fast growing community such as Cornwall, investments in these areas are critical. I was Cornwall to continually strive to be inclusive, environmentally friendly, and a leader in supporting such measures.
Mayor • Summerside
James Ford
1. Currently, what is your primary mode of transportation? Do you regularly choose forms of active transportation when making purposeful trips for errands, work, or school? When was the last time you went for a bike ride around your community, and for what purpose? My main method of transportation is my bike and I always drive it sun or snow when going about my daily errands. The last time I was on my bike was yesterday when I went for a ride downtown to goto the Harbor front theater. 2. If elected, how would you try to improve the active transportation infrastructure in and around your community? Are you willing to support integrating an active transportation lens on all construction and infrastructure refurbishments going forward? When it comes to active transportation I am 100% in support of its encouragement and developing infrastructure to support it. If we are to go green as many wish to do, active transportation is a fundamental step to achieving that goal. One way I would improve infrastructure is by working with community groups like SAFE to help plan by getting their first hand experience on the matter. Being a cyclist myself I would like to see more bike lanes in the city specifically ones on all main arterial routes of traffic so that one can travel across the whole city without having to ride on the shoulder or sidewalk. More bike racks in commercial area would help as well, as it is a concern of mine when going out shopping if I am going to be able to find a place to lock my bike close to my destination.\ 3. Beyond improvements to infrastructure, what other measures would you advocate for to make active transportation more accessible for all community members? Public awareness campaigns that promote the benefits of active transportation and making people aware of current provincial subsidies for bicycles electric or otherwise. Safe cycling courses to help people deal with heavy traffic and also safe driving courses that teach drivers how to deal with cyclists. 4. Can you tell us about whether or not you will support increased funding for infrastructure for walking, biking, and transit? The more resources we can devote to building active transportation infrastructure as well as infrastructure for public transit the better. Though we must be sure that we spend the resources already available in the most efficient and thought out manner possible.
Dan Kutcher
No response received as of Oct 31, 2022.
Basil Stewart
1. Currently my mode of transportation is my vehicle which I usually use other than sometimes I like to walk for the exercise and for short errands .I haven't use a bicycle for many Years but when I did use the bike I did enjoy it . 2. Since being Mayor I have always supported and suggested ways to have bike routes/bike lanes and other ways of transportation including walking on our beautiful Boardwalk and our walking track in the CUP . As well if you remember I supported the Trans Canada Trail /Confederation Trail which goes right through Summerside . I served on the Trans Canada Trail Foundation as a founding member and the Birth place of the Trans Canada Trail is Summerside....the Official Opening monument is located behind the Loyalist next to the former Train Station. I fully support that mode of transportation for a number of reasons. This question is about infrastructure now and in the future in and around our City. We in the City have begun bike routes on Greenwood Drive which I have fully supported and will support in the future. 3. I believe and when new infrastructure is put in place for new streets within our City that it should include the design for bike lanes which I believe is the way of the future. I did travel to other countries over the years when I was President of the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) and for instance in Copenhagen, Denmark where there were bike lane with proper widths on many streets and it appeared to be thousands of bikes on the bike lanes and parking lots. They were lighted for safety purposes . These lanes provide great exercise , protect the environment and is a less costly means of transportation with today's ridiculous costs of fuel. 4. Yes I have always supported funding for Bike lanes, walking tracks, Board walks and bus transportation. I Supported the above projects as well as the bike lanes and walking lanes on Greenwood Dr and as well supported funding financially for the bus transportation within our City. I am also a supporter of Electric vehicles as the City has a number of Electric vehicles with many chargers within and around the City. I will continue to support new ways to improve infrastructure for all reasons mentioned in your questionnaire. Again I thank you for your questionnaire and I wish you all the best in the future and you can be assured of my continued support.
Ward 1 • Summerside
Bruce MacDougall
No response received as of Oct 31, 2022.
Ward 2 • Summerside
Justin Doiron
1. Currently, what is your primary mode of transportation? Do you regularly choose forms of active transportation when making purposeful trips for errands, work, or school? When was the last time you went for a bike ride around your community, and for what purpose? My current mode of transportation is personal vehicle to and from work. I often bicycle around the neighbourhood with an infant trailer in the Summer months with my son, as well as frequent walks around the neighbourhood. Usually these walks take place 3-4 times a week in the evenings, and Saturday mornings. 2. If elected, how would you try to improve the active transportation infrastructure in and around your community? Are you willing to support integrating an active transportation lens on all construction and infrastructure refurbishments going forward? I have and will support recommendations for AT lanes when included as part of a project. So far, we as a city have been able to take advantage of funding from other levels of government in order to complete what we have to date. Without this funding, our AT lanes may not have been created, at least at their current length. At the end of the day, it comes down to budget and the type of development. Private developers are only obligated to install their roadways to a certain standard – anything above that standard is up to them. To mandate that they require an AT lane would likely turn developers away due to increased cost, so I would not necessarily support making AT lanes mandatory on new developments. For roadways that are constructed BY the City, I would support AT lanes if they fit into the current network, or proposed future network. I don’t believe a “patchwork” of AT lanes that don’t connect is necessarily the way to go. 3. Beyond improvements to infrastructure, what other measures would you advocate for to make active transportation more accessible for all community members? Signage, education (via social media, etc.). 4. Can you tell us about whether or not you will support increased funding for infrastructure for walking, biking, and transit? Absolutely. The City currently has several locations for the next AT lanes, based on annual budgets and funding availability. I also Chair the transit committee. Sidewalks are also evaluated on an annual basis, and are recommended for additions, repair or replacement.
Ward 3 • Summerside
Bard Ramsay
No response received as of Oct 31, 2022.
Ward 4 • Summerside
Cory Snow
No response received as of Oct 31, 2022.
Ward 5 • Summerside
Barb Gallant
No response received as of Oct 31, 2022.
Patrick MacMahon
Currently I drive a small car and only use it for work . We have a second vehicle that we use for family issues . I wholeheartedly support the integration of walking and bike trails and belive these should be incorporated in any new development in the ward. Currently I do not use public transit and I believe the system here in Summerside needs to be revisited to encourage healthier life styles. I leave as little imprint as possible. I haven't driven a bike in ages but encourage any that do. I believe in progressive thinking and this is a worthy cause to further develop with un the city.
Jim Steele
No response received as of Oct 31, 2022.
Ward 6 • Summerside
Norma McColeman
1. Currently, what is your primary mode of transportation? Do you regularly choose forms of active transportation when making purposeful trips for errands, work, or school? When was the last time you went for a bike ride around your community, and for what purpose? I walk to as many places as I can, and for Council meetings, functions etc. I ride my bike on the boardwalk and Confederation Trail often. Vehicle when necessary and long distances. 2. If elected, how would you try to improve the active transportation infrastructure in and around your community? Are you willing to support integrating an active transportation lens on all construction and infrastructure refurbishments going forward? The City and Council receives many valuable incoming requests. Understanding the asks and factual information required, collaboration and consultation through the City’s Community Services department and other groups must be a process followed to determine the outcomes to follow. 3. Beyond improvements to infrastructure, what other measures would you advocate for to make active transportation more accessible for all community members? Once again, this collaboration consultation would be through the involvement of a City department such as Community Services to properly review experienced evaluations, best practices discussions and assessment with stakeholders such as the official active transportation plan from the province to help guide a municipal process. 4. Can you tell us about whether or not you will support increased funding for infrastructure for walking, biking, and transit? I believe this is an important area for the City to enhance. It does require informed decision making, Council debate, and proper assessment by all eight Ward Council members in concert with the relevant factual information during annual budget process. Deliberations on what the City’s priority infrastructure needs are, reviewing expenses and costs, necessary capital projects and operational needs are for the City play a big role in allocations for funding dollars available.
Doreen Percy
No response received as of Oct 31, 2022.
Ward 7 • Summerside
Nick Cameron
1). My current primary mode of transportation is either electric scooter, or bicycle. This will change in the upcoming weeks as the temperature changes and things begin to freeze. Once the temperature changes, I will switch back to using my vehicle for approximately the next 6 months. If I am commuting, and do not require anything more than a backpack (i.e grocery shopping etc.), I use my electric scooter, or bicycle, especially when commuting to and from work. The last time I went for a bike ride around the community was last week. It was for leisure purposes to get out while it is still quite warm. 2). Active Transportation in a community like Summerside is key. We are a small city where things are close enough (for the most part) to walk, bike, rollerblade, skateboard, or scooter around. To help with active transport, I would first start by looking into simple solutions which would not cost taxpayers a lot of money. For example, changing pre-existing paved shoulders on busy streets into "bike lanes" to allow people to have the space that is needed to safely commute to where they need to be or want to be. As noted above, I strongly support Active Transport initiatives within Summerside because the city is so accessible without having to use a car to get around. I would advocate for change and a voice for the people who use this form of transportation when decisions are being made with ongoing infrastructure. 3) Safety is a major concern for residents who choose to actively commute around their neighbourhoods. I think holding education sessions for people would make a big difference. A lot of residents do not know a lot about active transportation, or understand the risks involved when a driver is not checking mirrors before turning. It would also make commuting more accessible by having an inexpensive rental service available to the public, as well as, proper signage so people know where they can and cannot access active transport lanes. 4). We are moving into a time where people are less dependent on their "traditional" vehicles as modes of transportation. I think we are seeing it in major cities all over the country, that people are using active transportation as a means of getting to destinations. This has been very prevalent in other countries all over the world, and it is time we catch up to that. I would support increased funding for walking, biking, roller blades, scooters, and whatever means of transportation you choose to safely commute around the City of Summerside.
Rick Morrison
No response received as of Oct 31, 2022.
Ward 8 • Summerside
Carrie Adams
No response received as of Oct 31, 2022.
Mayor • Three Rivers
Ray Brown
No response received as of Oct 31, 2022.
Debbie Johnston
No response received as of Oct 31, 2022.
Ward 1 • Three Rivers
Alan Munro
No response received as of Oct 31, 2022.
M. Anne Van Donkersgoed
No response received as of Oct 31, 2022.
Ward 2 • Three Rivers
Sarah Doyle
No response received as of Oct 31, 2022.
John MacFarlane
No response received as of Oct 31, 2022.
Wayne Spin
1.I drive 90 percent of the time with my automobile and sometimes walk.But mostly drive because we have a 15 year old with a disability. And has far I can remember its 20 years or longer since I drove a bike around the town. 2.I think it's great that we have the Bus Transit service island wide yes I it doesn't help much in the way of Transportation our little community's. 3.Yes i would like too sit down with others and brian storm and come up with something that might work around our whole Beautiful island . 4.I would support this anytime or anyplace because we are not taking care of yourselves like our Grandparents did .We need to get out and about and of the couch and Phones .Start been more active my walking biking or swimming cause our generation is dying of way too young.So we need this badly it will help keep us and our minds Sharp .Also for our bodies walking, swimming and Biking it will help keep us in shape and to stay engaged with people throughout the community.
Ward 3 • Three Rivers
Martina J. MacDonald
No response received as of Oct 31, 2022.
David McGrath
No response received as of Oct 31, 2022.
Andrew Reid
No response received as of Oct 31, 2022.
John Van Dyke
No response received as of Oct 31, 2022.
Ward 4• Three Rivers
Brendon Galway
No response received as of Oct 31, 2022.
Cody Jenkins
No response received as of Oct 31, 2022.
Robert Lethbridge
No response received as of Oct 31, 2022.
Cindy MacLean
No response received as of Oct 31, 2022.