BFC is pumped to be growing our team!
We're hiring for two key roles, Outreach Officer and Communications Officer, to work on The Bike Friendly Advocacy and Outreach Campaign. This project is a one-year community engagement initiative that will identify current barriers to cycling as a mode of transportation for the capital region. Working with stakeholders and representatives from a variety of age groups, populations, and marginalized communities, we will determine and prioritize solutions to those issues. We will then address the identified concerns and needs through the creation of policy recommendations, a robust network advocacy plan for the capital region, and an educational social media and video campaign.
Collectively, the team will deliver:
A round of public engagement including public meetings, route rides, pop-ups, stakeholder workshops, and online surveys
“What We Heard” report (from public consultation & surveys, combined)
Prioritized list of barriers and solutions (Internal)
Series of educational videos
Draft network infrastructure map with prioritized phases
Finalized Summary and recommendations report
Presentations to municipal and provincial governments
Please note, these are paid positions, and the deadline to apply is January 15th, 2022. To learn more about the roles and how to apply, read the full job postings: