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Get Ready to Roll with BFC

Get ready for Bike Friendly Communities’ jam-packed schedule as 2024 Bike Week is launched in Charlottetown. A bike sale, safety gear giveaway, movie night, Block Party, and Night Ride are all planned for June 17-23, 2024.

The annual celebration of two-wheeled transportation is held with the City of Charlottetown and other community and business partners. Bike Friendly Communities (BFC) has set its sights on connecting with the community, increasing biking participation, and helping those who may find it challenging to start biking.

The week starts with BFC partnering with the REACH Foundation for a Bike Sale and Swap on Monday. Once riders have their bikes, they’ll be able to Gear Up! with BFC on Tuesday. Bike Friendly Communities will give away free safety gear like helmets and lights at the Beaconsfield Carriage House to bikers, followed by a family-friendly group ride through Victoria Park.

“We thought it’d be great to start the week off with the sale and free gear giveaway,” said Hannah Bell, BFC’s Capacity Building Coordinator. “Get a bike, then get your gear. Having the right safety gear helps people feel comfortable on a bicycle and we want to encourage more people to bike.” 

On Wednesday, June 19, Bike Friendly Communities is pleased to screen the heartwarming movie, Wadjda, which will be shown at City Cinema at 7 pm. You’ll have time to swing by the theatre to catch the movie after the annual Mayor’s Bike Ride, which starts at 5 pm at Rising Tides E-Bikes. 

Get out your reflective gear and bring your glow sticks as we ride through Charlottetown on our Night Ride. The ride starts and ends at Upstreet Brewery on Friday, June 21. This 19+ event is bound to be a fun way to start the weekend. Saturday, the place to be is the BFC Block Party at the Legacy Gardens’ Beehives, just off the Confederation Trail. A BBQ, kids’ bike activities, bike maintenance workshops, and more will close Bike Friendly Communities’ official Bike Week activities. 

We're pleased so many other local organizations like Cycling PEI, Rising Tide E-Bikes, MacQueens, PEI Bike Guy, CNIB, and the City of Charlottetown are all participating in Bike Week.


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